
We are the new Durham County chapter of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation. Our chapter’s mission is to:

Empower the community to form a connection with their natural surroundings through adventurous and educational programming designed to preserve and reclaim habitat for wildlife in Durham County.

Latest News:

  • [3.21.25] Durham Wildlife Stewards Habitat Training

    Join NCWF and NCWF Durham Wildlife Stewards Chapter for three fun-filled days of renowned speakers, hands-on activities, and field trips at Duke Homestead in Durham!

    Come take part in NCWF’s Wildlife Habitat Steward Training program and become a certified wildlife habitat steward. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with experts and fellow conservation enthusiasts about a variety of wildlife topics. Application is required.

    Please apply here by March 3rd 12:00pm EST

    We hope to see you there!

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the original stewards of the land and nature
of what is now Durham County included several Siouan-speaking
tribes. Among the earliest inhabitants were Eno, Occaneechi,
Shakori and Adshusheer peoples. We show our respects to those
peoples and those who came after them and honor their labor as
original caretakers of this land. As we endeavor to steward the rich
habitat and wildlife of the Durham area, we draw on and celebrate
the many people, past, present and future, who engaged with the
land and to this day continue to do so. We invite you to join us in
continuing their care for this land and its natural resources.